Free Good PH Policy

  1.     PURPOSE

    This policy defines the requirement for all employees to be well groomed and be a good     representative of the image and culture of the Company.

  1.     SCOPE

      This policy is applicable to all full time employees of ELC Beauty, Inc.


  1. An employee is expected to wear and be groomed with the products of the Company.

  1. The image of the employee is a reflection of the prestige and a testimony of the efficacies quality products produced by the Company.

  1. If an employee fails to maintain the grooming standard, the Company shall exercise its      discretion to both discipline as well as withdraw the benefits.

  1. An employee, upon commencement date, is entitled to free cosmetics in retail value, including tax, on a quarterly basis, depending on the employee category, or brand affiliation as below.
  2. Birthday entitlement of Php 1,500 would be credited in the quarter which employee’s birthday       month falls in. It must be utilized within that quarter, otherwise it shall be forfeited.
  3. The quarterly entitlements for free cosmetics are: Quarter 1- January to MarchQuarter 2- April to June; Quarter 3- July to September and Quarter 4- October to December.
  4. For cases of promotion and/or change in global grade, entitlement shall be updated based on            effective date of the change.  
  5. Employee should use the Free Goods system to place their orders. Human Resources shall             trigger activation or deactivation of an employee’s access to the system upon hire date or             separation date.
  6. Processing of free cosmetics shall follow the following schedule: Ordering period- 1st month of the applicable quarter, Processing of orders- 2nd month of the applicable quarter and Distribution to employees- 3rd month of the applicable quarter.
  7. An employee cannot accumulate more than 2 quarters entitlement of free cosmetics, otherwise     it shall be forfeited.
  8. There are no brand restrictions for ordering except for La Mer and Tom Ford Field employees.        All La Mer and Tom Ford Field employees are expected to select products within his/her own       brand.
  9. An employee is allowed to order a maximum of 2 products of the same code each quarter.
  10. There is a waiting period of 6 months before an employee is able to order new products.
  11. Limited & Special edition items are not allowed for ordering.

  12. Any unused portion of the free cosmetics entitlement can be brought forward to the next quarter but cannot be carried forward to the following calendar year unless for reason of non-supply            arising from stock shortage.
  13. When no pay leave has been approved for 22 working days and beyond, Free Cosmetics will    be pro-rated based on calendar days. Refer to ELC-02-3 Approved No Pay Leave policy for             guidance.
  14. For easy administration, the calculation of a full month’s service is as follows.
    1. Date Joined: 1st-15th (full month's worth) and 16th-month end (disregarded for calculation)
    2. Date Resigned- 1st-15th (disregarded for calculation) and 16th- month  end (full month's worth)
  15. If an employee resigns before his/her confirmation in the job and has taken his/her free cosmetics, he/she shall refund to the Company the cost of all the products taken at 50% of the   retail value.
  16. A confirmed employee who resigns from the Company shall refund to the Company the cost of the unearned cosmetics at 50% of the retail value. Payment will be deducted from the employee’s final pay.
  17. It is an offence to sell free cosmetics for profits. An employee will be dismissed if found guilty of   the offence.



  Any changes or amendments to this policy must be approved by the Country Manager, Vice   President/General Manager, Emerging Southeast Asia and the Director, Human Resources,     Emerging Southeast Asia prior to its effectivity.